
For your first visit, there are some administrative forms that need to be completed prior to working with your child. You can either arrange to come 15 minutes early to do them at the office or you can download the forms below.

If you decide to do them in advance, simply print them out, complete them prior to your appointment, and bring them with you to your appointment.

If you have any questions feel free to call at (613) 979‑2521

To Download The Appropriate Forms, Please Select From The Following List.


Payment: individual and small group sessions typically run for an hour in office. Rates are 150.00 per hour and are due at the end of each appointment.

Shonna is a registered member of the national association of Speech/Audiology Canada and the College of Audiology and Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario and, as such visits can be claimed for insurance purposes should you have coverage and a doctor’s referral.

The Government of Canada offers a variety of tax benefits to people with disabilities. These benefits are provided under the assumption that people with disabilities will have unavoidable, additional expenses that are not faced by other taxpayers. There is also provision for Ontario Disabilities grant should your child meet the requirements see* A Guide to Understanding and Claiming the Disability Tax Credit.

Consultation in schools is also available.

Pricing for workshops is determined as they run.